Before that week, I already called and made arrangement to decorate the room for 11 of us, including Miss Alison, our Academic English teacher...
I'm quite lazy to elaborate, so from again, LOL
Anyway,this surprise part was orgainised by Manson Loh,Ufatt's secondary mates @best buddy. Well,it was a surprise party so,Ufatt didn't know anything about it tho Manson has mentioned it indirectly,but dumby Ufatt,just didn't realize it.[Whatever,still the surprise worked:)] But Ufatt didn't cried as Manson thought of when he saw the decoration in Little Cottage,still touched by our sincerity+) Manson has discussed it to Grace ,the director/manager of Little Cottage earlier on ,likewise,in the end of May,before our breaks,When we have had our lunch with the lecturers.
Well,Manson gave Ufatt a BLACK NOTEBOOK,which is fulled of words,or should I saw golden words cos they have been written in gold ink pen.Whereas me,I gave him a black T-shirt which Mum had bought it previously when she was on her vacation in Japan(glad that You like it,cos I thought that you might hate it)Well,we,the whole classmates and Miss Alison celebrated it.Before we went off to Little Cottage,we were pretending that we were just going for a usual lunch,so Ufatt didn't realise it AT ALL..>.< other=".=" smile =".=">
As usual, we ordered a 5 course lunch set and ate for half an hour...
In between , UFat and I were being played and tricked...Stupid all...LOL
There's all the pics..
the deco....classy isn't it?
the table setting are also nice...
birthday boy...
thick face skin boy....wei chun..
he called me to snap him again....haih....
Theng and Hui
Ding, are you okay?
Miss Alison
After party, english class..again role play....not much to say..Then, we played a game called Bibidi's really fun....All of us played for quite a it..LOL//
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