Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wow....Quit nervous and in the mean time, EXCITED too..
Cos tomorrow will BE MY BIG BIG DAY!!!
Tomorrow will be the KDU IDOL SEMI FINAL>>>!!!

big and huge stage isn't it..?

And before BEING SO exciTED>>>>!!!! Let's see what did i do for today..As usual, rehearsal again in Lecture Theatre..and as usual again, Singing Nicholas Teo Forgotten Love....Watching others practise too....And then balloon session..!!!LOL

really nice combination of colour...ELEGANCE..

Hey..Kit, what ya doin..?lol/

Sinking in where in the BALLON>>>

And all of us were really really exhausted blowing 100 something balloons, cherrie and samantha helped a lot...and we did enjoy ourselves...Me, Sam, Cherrie, Bi Ling, Jass, Kit, KwangLin helped out while Miss Florence and some other guys were busying downstairs decorating the stage and the tables for the judges...WELL DONE ALL OF US>>>A lot of HardWork...!!!


Manson, you can do it tomorrow....All your friends were being so so supportive..Thanks all for your support and I really hope that i can enjoy on stage tomorrow and be in the final..I won't let you guys down..Still..>>>Excited...LOL

Lastly, i captured a pic of my puppy COFFEE...So so cute lo..!!!!!