Saturday, May 31, 2008


Well, I will write this post all in Mandarin sorry if you can't understand but i will translate most of the words again in English...LOL

无意间发现了一本非常值得买的书, 那就是林依晨的私人日记。。。
现在我终于知道, 该如何去看待这个世界,仅此于你们分享。。。
When I was just walking around in a Taipei Bookstore,
Accidentally, I saw a very interesting book which I will regret if i choose to ignore its presence,
It's Ariel Lin Yi Chen's Diary, Personal Diary...
It is not a tour guide book for us to explore but a diary from her during her study in New York,
Now only I know, how to discover the world with different perspective,
I would like to share them with you all...

You all should know who is Ariel Lin right?

So now, you all know who is Ariel Lin Yi Chen already right...?
我买了这本 <林依晨的纽约贝果日记> 。。。
I bought the book ...

I would like to share a few sentences Lin Yi Chen wrote in her book...

依晨说:"我把我朋友送给我的娃娃弄丢了..我一个人坐在马桶上默默的掉泪,好深刻的挫败感'无助感'恐惧感!这的确是我意料中的事,只是当他真的降临时,却是那么令人措手不及...不过,这不正是我此行的目的吗?挑战困难,拥抱挫折,面对他,解决它. 面对生命种种得不顺,我们往往都太容易选择放弃自己,放弃坚持下去.但有时候,[放弃}是生命中最容易的选择.放弃友情,放弃亲情,放弃突破,甚至放弃一份可能的幸福...难道我真的原意让他们从我怀中流走吗?绝不!!否定的声响立即自我心中弹起.我已经厌倦了做那么多容易的选择...
我要继续挺进下一回合! 真正支持我们的,是我们对自己的[承诺].
Ariel said: I've lost a doll my friend gave me...I sat in the toilet,dropping tears silently, feeling helpless, fear and failure! I should have known these feelings, but when I'm experiencing it, It's totally different. You can't handle it that easy as you think you can...But, isn't this my motive for studying abroad? To face challenges, to solve it and to manage it? Facing life's challenges, we always give up ourselves and give up the chances to stay until the war ends...But,sometimes, giving up is the easiest way of solving. Giving up friendship, giving up relationship, giving up chances and even sometimes giving up ourselves...Should I let it go like this? NO!! I said to myself, I'm so tired and bored of ending up things in the easier way...
Shed of the tears, breath,
I will stand up and reach the next goal! Promises to ourself is always supporting us!!

Ariel also wrote a lot of her one month experience in attending the New York Film Academy. She met a lot of friends and lecturers. She learnt a lot of things and even gained wider acting knowledge.She always said " No pressure, no pleasure.."

I will share some pictures in the book with you all..

isn't she looks cute?

she is really innocent...i mean the look..LOL

her friend and her in her class..

She bought this as a souveneir...Suits her..LOL

She went to 11 Broadway(live musicals) shows in a month time..!! OMG!!

One of her Broadway Musical Tickets..

Ariel and her friend..She is on the left...Most beautiful among three person..LOL

her breakfast...

I personally, really recommend you all to read this book,
You can buy it, but I'm not sure if Malaysia is selling it now?!
But, my friends in my class, you can borrow if you want..LOL



"You gain strength, courage, and confidence,
by every experience in which you really
stop to look fear in the face...

Lin Yi Chen wrote these few lines and i am really motivated by that..Thanks again.

Warmest Regards,
Manson Loh

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