Thursday, May 22, 2008

Maths TEst....OMG

okay today i faced another huge obstacles.....
Maths TEst....and was set by Mr YAp...
And what can i say about it...?
Quite okay, better than last time...LOL

THen comes economic period....Obviously everyone was not paying attention....

my god...Samantha was showing off her own cooked food again..!!

THe food doesnt seems very nice to me....LOL

Economics teacher Miss Lee was teaching..

Clarence was eating jambu

and he was doing silly poses...

samantha also...sorry i put up this pic...LOL

I was so idiot and tested on UFAT's spectacles...weird is the word!!
THen, lunch time, all of us went to TNB...guess what, Samantha will be the next pic AGAIN>>>>>LOL

WEll, the most enjoyable period today will be academic English period...we have tonnes of fun, Everyone get to sing and play games....everyone get to learn signs for a songs together....FUN!~
THree videos down there during english it...

Miss Alison Arm wrestle with cherrie...

Miss Alison arm wrestle with samantha..

Clarence singing idiotly..LOL

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